Thursday, September 9, 2010

Then: The Sun Shines Bright On My Old Kentucky Gnome

So, we packed up our stuff to move to Louisville, Kentucky to take care of Liam, while his parents worked. They need a break and "instant" baby sitters at non-work times too. We were glad to help out. Liam is our only grandchild and we love to be with him! The trip was challenging because we had to drive a big U-Haul truck across the U.S. whom we named "Bob". We should have gotten a smaller truck and forced ourselves to get rid of more stuff, so that our things would have to fit into it. But, that is another story. We got to Louisville and moved into a one bedroom apartment. After a full four bedroom house in Oregon, it was tiny! I used the closet for a painting studio and the possibility of doing quiet recording using the little mic from the language program became nearly impossible. I still wrote some songs, but I needed to branch out and meet some other musicians to learn the "business" of music. Louisville had three casinos that became a Mecca for us during our stressful change of location and life. We didn't hit any cash jackpots there, but they did have live bands and performers that you could see for a beer. I also started meeting people in the bars and listening to their stories. I was never a "bar guy"and going to a place like that was new for me. But, my songs were about to change, or should I say, "grow up." The KY gnome was a card I made for my wife Dee. So who did I meet in those bars????

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