Friday, August 13, 2010

Now: Cramps Gramps

I just got back from Indy and recorded "I'm in Between Love". I wrote the song while I was visiting in Oregon and staying with good friends. I couldn't bring my guitar, but the daughter of a friend (Thanks, Ashlee !) let me use her little First Act guitar. I had an idea for a song so I went out on their front steps and banged the tune out. Ashlee thought that was so cool that I wrote a song using her guitar, that she asked me to sign her guitar. The song is about friends and relatives who are "in between loves". Tim did his usual genius job of producing the song. When it came time to do the vocal I was getting tried (being past my nap time) and had been sitting too long helping with the song. I started the vocal and was standing trying to learn the changes in the song and trying to get better at "telling the story" of the song, when I got a terrible cramp in my side. We were pressed for time because Tim had to do some truly important business, so I did like Tim always tells me and acted tough. "Ya gotta be a Marine he always says."
He didn't know I wasn't all there (I didn't tell him.), but my vocal could be better and I will need to do it again. Still, the songs sounds great and is a Rocker! The album is just about done except for the clean up work. Thanks, Big Tim and Ashlee! This me getting to play a 1948 Martin guitar once owned by Stephen Stills while I was in Oregon. It was being auctioned. I couldn't afford it!

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